[source] empirical formula
[Formula] Fructus aurantii Immaturus (fried) 20g, Atractylodes macrocephala 30g, malt (fried) 15g, millet sprout (fried) 15g.
[preparation method] the medicine was crushed into coarse powder, packed in gauze bag, pricked and soaked in 500ml liquor for 7 days. After taking out the medicine bag, press and extract the liquid, then mix the squeezed liquid with the medicinal wine, stand still, and filter.
Usage: oral administration. 10-15ml each time, 2-3 times a day, taken on an empty stomach before meals.
[efficacy] invigorating spleen, eliminating swelling and resolving stagnation.
Indications: it is used for spleen deficiency and qi stagnation, food stop gathering, distension under the heart, fullness of epigastric cavity, and ignorance of diet.
[note] the formula of this medicinal wine is composed of Zhizhu pill, malt and millet sprout. In the prescription, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae was mainly used for invigorating spleen and Qi, combined with Fructus aurantii to remove Qi and distension, and compatibility with millet bud and malt to eliminate accumulation stagnation. The whole prescription can replenish the deficiency and reduce the excess, and the specimen should be taken into account.
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