[Formula] naoyanghua 60g, Psoralea 30g, ginger 50g, 75% ethanol appropriate amount.
[preparation method] firstly, mash the flower and Psoralea corylifolia, put it into a container, add 500 ml 75% ethanol, stir and tightly cover. Put the container into the steam pot, keep it at a low temperature, soak it for 9 hours, and then filter and remove the residue. Add chopped ginger into the filtrate, cover tightly, soak for two days and nights, filter, make 400ml, pack separately and set aside.
[efficacy] moisten skin and generate muscle.
[indications] alopecia areata and seborrheic dermatitis.
[usage] external use: apply to the affected part three times a day.
[postscript] cited from selected Chinese herbal medicine preparations in Beijing. Avoid oral administration.
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