[ formula ]
[ formula ] 30 grams of raw blood, amber, 100 grams of raw rhubarb, 60 grams of peach kernel, 45 grams of safflower, 60 grams of saffron, 60 grams of frankincense, 50 grams of frankincense, 60 grams of Rhizoma dracoris, 30 grams of woodlouse worm, 50 grams of eucommia bark, 50 grams of semen Strychni, 20 grams of 50 seeds, 30 grams of Gentiana, 50 grams of natural copper, myrrh, and one leaf. 0 g, nameless 50 g, Sanhua, 7500 ml wine.
[ preparation method ] roll the medicine into coarse grains, put it into a container, add it into Sanhua wine, seal it, and soak it for 3-6 months.
[ efficacy ] promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, detumescence, pain relief, astringency, antisepsis and muscle regeneration.
[ indications ] bedsore.
[ usage ] for external use. Fill the wound with medicated wine gauze, drop medicinal wine once a day. It can also be taken orally. When the skin is flushed, pour 10ml of shifangjiu into the hand and massage the affected area with palm, 2-3 times a day. If there are blisters in local area, use sterile syringe to draw the blister fluid, and then wipe the liquor 2-3 times a day. If there is ulcer and exudation on the skin, wet compress with this wine gauze immediately, 3-4 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Guangxi Traditional Chinese medicine. Repeated use is effective. The skin is flushed and can return to normal color within 3-4 days. The blister can dry and scab in 4-5 days, and the ulcer surface needs 1-2 weeks to heal. There was no dose in this prescription, which was formulated by the author in clinical practice. The clinical effect is also good.
[ formula two ]
Guangxi [formula ] 37 15 grams, 15 grams of dried blood, 15 grams of safflower, 15 grams of Eupatorium, 15 grams of Chinese angelica tail, 10 grams of frankincense, 10 grams of myrrh, 10 grams of former son, amber 10 grams, raw rhubarb 10 grams, peach kernel, grams, dike, , Rhizoma dracoris, G, natural copper (calcined) 15g, Sumu 15g, mingyiyi15g, Gentiana macrophylla 15g, Paris polyphylla 15g.
[ preparation method ] the medicine was crushed into coarse powder, packed with gauze bag, pricked, placed in a ceramic or glass bottle, soaked in 3000ml liquor, and sealed. After 3 weeks, the medicine bag was removed and filtered. [ usage ] for external use. Dip cotton ball in medicinal wine and gently rub the affected skin. Twice a day. [ efficacy ] and Ying blood, detumescence and pain, convergence and muscle growth. [ indications ] to prevent and treat bedsore. Bedsore can be treated at the end or in the past. [ avoid ] this product is toxic and is forbidden to be taken orally. [ postscript ] is a kind of pyrolusite and water manganese ore. It mainly contains manganese dioxide, but also contains trace elements such as iron, cobalt and nickel. According to the literature, it has the functions of removing blood stasis and relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and detumescence, hemostasis and myogenesis.
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