[ formula ] 1 snake, 10 grams of Panax notoginseng, red ginseng and papaya, 8 grams of notopterygium Incisum and Angelica pubescens, 3 grams of tender cinnamon twigs, 12 grams of northern medlar, and 1000 ml rice wine.
[ preparation method ] first, soak the snake with rice wine, remove the bamboo bracket, and then put it into a clean glass bottle together with the medicine in the prescription, then pour in the rice wine, cover the bottle tightly, and soak for 10 days before taking it.
[ efficacy ] dredge channels and activate collaterals, strengthen tendons and bones, and penetrate joints.
[ indications ] multiple neuritis.
[ usage ] orally. Take one small glass each time, add or subtract as appropriate, take three times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Zhejiang Journal of traditional Chinese medicine. Repeated use is effective.
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