[ formula ] 10g Salvia miltiorrhiza, 10g safflower, 10g chuanxiong, 500ml 50% ethanol.
[ preparation method ] put the drug in 50% ethanol, airtight and soak for more than 1 month.
[ efficacy ] remove stasis and activate blood circulation, promote qi and dredge collaterals.
[ indications ] bedsore.
[ usage ] for external use. ① For prevention: turn over every 2-3 hours, smear the solution once at the compression point of bone eminence, and apply talcum powder 3-5 minutes later. ② For treatment: in the early stage (i.e. congestion and ruddy stage), smear 4-6 times a day. For blisters or skin ulceration stage (i.e. bedsore stage), in its surrounding, daily smear liquid medicine 6-8 Huan, keep the sore surface clean, at the same time with cotton ring to protect the sore surface, to prevent local pressure again.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Gansu traditional Chinese medicine. Repeated use is effective.
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