[ formula ] (1) the crude powder of wild jujube bark is 300g, with an appropriate amount of 80% ethanol; 2) 500 g of elm bark powder, 200 g of Phellodendron chinense powder, and an appropriate amount of 80% ethanol; 3 parts of jujube tree powder, 3 parts of Sanguisorba officinalis powder, 3 parts of Fangfeng powder and 1 part of licorice powder.
[ preparation method ] Formula 1: put the medicine in a container, add 1000 ml of 80% ethanol, mix and seal, soak for 48 hours, filter, and keep the filtrate sealed; add 500 ml 80% ethanol, seal, soak for 24 hours, filter, squeeze the liquid in the residue as much as possible, combine the two filtrates, make it into 1000 ml, and then pack separately. Method 2: put the powder into the container, add 80% ethanol, mix and seal, soak for 48 hours, filter, and keep the filtrate sealed; add 80% ethanol to the residue, seal, soak for 24 hours, filter, press out the liquid in the residue as far as possible, combine the filtrate for two times, make it into 1000ml, and then pack it separately. Method 3: grind the above powder into very fine powder, pass through 110 mesh sieve, mix well, divide into small bottles and sterilize by high pressure.
[ efficacy ] astringent, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.
[ indications ] burn, scald, burn infection wound.
[ usage ] external use: the wound surface was wet packed with 1% furacilin, and then the medicine was applied after the wound was dry and cool. For burn wounds, powder should be spread first, and then liquid medicine should be sprayed on the wounds with no infection and those with infection. Spray 2-3 times a day.
[ postscript ] is cited from selected Chinese herbal medicine preparations in Beijing.
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