[strong > formula
is to smash the medicine, add 200 ml of water to boil, then soak it in water for a while, add liquor in hot water, seal it, soak it for 30 days, filter and remove slag, and then it will be made. It is very effective to dry and damp, reduce swelling and relieve pain. The main treatment of the disease is stomatological inflammation (stomatitis), sublingual gland cyst (tongue swelling) and heavy tongue. Use:
P > usage: external use: rinse the medicine while it is hot, spit it when it is cold, and then contain hot wine, taking the degree of "hot liquor". This product can also be taken in the domestic, 10-15 ml each time, twice a day. The
postscript is quoted from the "medicine and wine collection".
土鳖虫 【主要成分】含蛋白质、挥发油、脂肪酸、氨基酸、甾醇及多种微量元素。动物 … [详情]
白荷花露的功效 白荷花露的药用价值 为睡莲科植物莲的花蕾蒸馏所得的芳香水。清暑,凉营。治感受暑邪,烦热口渴 … [详情]
紫外线下诞生的黑色斑点应如何去除 针对这个因素造成的斑点,才能用香菜熬汤,等汤水温度适中时,用汤水洁面, … [详情]
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春季养生应该注意什么 春季养生的正确之路 中国医学认为,春天养生当需补,也就是人们可根据自己的体质状况,进行灵活 … [详情]