[ formula ] cicada ecdysis 3 G, Fructus Kochiae, cortex dictamni, alum each 6 g, safflower 1 g, 75% ethanol 50 ml.
[ preparation method ] smash the first five flavors, put them into a container, add 75% ethanol, seal, soak for 3 days, filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] promoting blood circulation, eliminating wind, inhibiting bacteria and removing warts.
[ indications ] verruca plana. For external use: apply the wine to the affected area 5-6 times a day to the degree of healing.
[ postscript ] is quoted from New Chinese medicine. During the treatment, we should pay attention to: ① do not eat irritating food; ② forbid cosmetics; ③ if rash, swelling, pruritus appear after medication, it is suggested that the treatment is effective, and should adhere to the treatment until recovery.
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