[strong > formula ] the fruit (mature seed) is 50g and 95% ethanol is 50ml.
[ preparation method ] smash the medicine, put it into a container, add 95% ethanol, seal, soak for 14 days, filter and remove the residue, or apply it directly with fresh King's juice.
[ efficacy ] Jiedu Sanjie.
[ indications ] verruca vulgaris. Topical use: after the local warts are disinfected with 0.1% Bromogeramine solution, the warts are pricked or scraped one by one with a sterile trilateral needle; for patients with multiple lesions, the earliest & quot; female wart & quot; can be selected and scraped, and then the tincture (or juice) is applied to the affected area for 4-5 minutes, once a day, for 3 consecutive days, without bandaging or staged treatment.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the Journal of new medicine and pharmacy.
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