[ formula ] jiulixiang, yizhihuanghua, yangtiancao, banbianlian, maomusk, qidagu, liaogewang, Sanyaku, Jinniu, shezong, each 25g, 60du Baijiu, 1000ml.
[ preparation method ] grind the first ten flavors into coarse powder, mix them evenly, put them into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for 7 days, filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] antipruritic and anti-inflammatory.
[ indications ] paddy dermatitis. Topical application: the patients with pruritus, erosion and exudation can be applied to the affected area with medicinal wine, 3-4 times a day; the patients with swelling and pain can be externally applied to the affected area with medicine residue, and the dressing should be changed once a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of medicinal wine.
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