[ formula ] 15g gallnut, 30g Cnidium monnieri, 9g leek seed and alum, 120ml Shaojiu.
[ preparation method ] put the first four ingredients together into a glass bottle, fill it with Shaojiu, plug the bottle cap, and soak it for 3 days (when soaking, shake it once a day in the morning and evening respectively, usually vibration can accelerate the penetration of the drug).
[ efficacy ] antiphlogistic and blood activating, wind dispelling and itching relieving.
[ indications ] paddy field dermatitis.
[ usage ] external use: dip a cotton swab into the affected area, once a day in the morning, in the middle of the day and in the evening. Take the more as the measure.
[ postscript ] is quoted from "fumigation, washing, ironing and rubbing therapy of traditional Chinese medicine for all diseases".
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