[ formula ] 310 g of Sophora flavescens, 90 g of Stemona, 90 g of Chrysanthemum indicum, 125 g of camphor, and 5000 ml of 75% ethanol (or liquor).
[ preparation method ] smash the first four flavors, put them into a container, add 5% ethanol, seal and soak for 7 days, filter to remove the residue, retain the liquid, and then add camphor (ground powder), which can be used after dissolving.
[ efficacy ] sterilization and antipruritic.
[ indications ] seborrheic dermatitis, pruritus, pityriasis simplex, pityriasis rosea, etc. Topical use: apply tincture of medicine to the skin lesion area, 1-2 times a day, with the healing degree.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Zhu Renkang's clinical experience. Repeated use is effective.
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