[ formula ] 6 grams of Hibiscus syriacus peel, pittosporus orientalis peel, areca nut, borneol, Sophora flavescens, Cortex Phellodendri, Bletilla striata, leiwan, 2 grains of maple seed and almond, 4 pieces of soft shelled turtle seed, and 200 ml of liquor.
[ preparation method ] smash the first eleven flavors, put them into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for 7 days, and then take them.
[ efficacy ] clearing heat and dryness, killing insects and relieving itching.
[ indications ] all kinds of intractable tinea.
[ usage ] external use: first scrape the tinea with pangolin, and then rub the affected area with medicinal wine. Once or twice a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from selected experience of old Chinese medicine in Mianyang area.
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