[ Formula 1 ]
[ formula ], 150 grams of fresh skin, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Sophora flavescens, and 1000 ml liquor.
[ preparation method ] mash the first three flavors into coarse powder, put them into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for 14 days, filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] expelling wind and dampness, killing insects and relieving itching.
[ indications ] ringworm, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, etc.
[ usage ] external use: apply the medicinal wine to the affected area, 2-3 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of medicinal wine.
[ formula 2 ]
[ source ]
[ formula ] 150g white fresh skin, 150g Schizonepeta tenuifolia, 150g Sophora flavescens.
[ preparation method ] smash the above-mentioned medicinal materials into coarse powder, put them in a covered container, add appropriate amount of liquor, soak the medicinal materials for 7-14 days, filter, press the residue, combine the filtrate and the press solution, stand for 24 hours, filter, add appropriate amount of liquor to 1000 ml.
[ usage ] for external use.
[ efficacy ] can remove dampness, kill insects and relieve itching.
[ indications ] neurodermatitis, psoriasis.
[ Yiji ] no smoking, alcohol and spicy food during the treatment.
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