[ formula ] 500g Sophora flavescens, 200g fresh skin, 75g beehive, 80g Gastrodia elata, 5000g glutinous rice and 750g koji.
[ preparation method ] decoct the first four flavors in 7500ML water to half, remove the residue and extract juice, soak koji (crush), steam glutinous rice for 3 nights, make wine as usual, and keep warm. When the wine is ripe, press to remove the dregs and store the bottle for standby.
[ efficacy ] clearing away heat and wind, detoxification and treatment of sores.
[ indications ] all over the body, scratching pain.
[ usage ] oral: take 10ml after each meal, gradually increase to 30ml, take once every day and night. Take the more as the measure.
[ postscript ] is quoted from folk prescriptions for all kinds of diseases.
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