[ formula ] Bauhinia bark, four pieces of tile, jiujiefeng, xuesanqi, raw Radix Aconiti, raw Aconitum kusnezoffii, camphor, borneol, etc., and appropriate amount of liquor.
[ preparation method ] put the medicine in a container, add a high degree of liquor (it is appropriate to soak it for 3-5 cm) and seal it. Soak it for more than a month.
[ efficacy ] dispel wind, disperse cold, warm meridians, activate blood circulation and relieve pain.
[ indications ] lumbar disc herniation.
[ usage ] for external use. Do massage with medicinal wine. The patient was prone with upper chest pillow, upper limbs on occipital side, and muscles of the whole body were relaxed. The surgeon stood at the side of the patient's bed with his fist in his hand and dipped in medicinal wine. The sciatic nerve of the affected side of the body was gradually heavier from the waist to the affected side. The massage was repeated for 15-20 minutes with medicinal wine from top to bottom. Slight pressure was applied to the obvious pain area, and the massage was focused. Once a day, 1 month as a course of treatment.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Hunan traditional Chinese medicine guide. Repeated use is effective.
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