[ formula ] 15g Tougucao, 15g Shenjincao, 15g papaya, 12g Chishao, 15g chuanxiong, 6G angelica, 6G asarum, 500ml vitamin B1 injection and 1000ml liquor.
[ preparation method ] immerse the medicine in liquor, seal it and soak it for 2 months before it can be put into use.
[ efficacy ] warming meridians, dispersing cold, dredging collaterals and relieving pain.
[ indications ] temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
[ usage ] for external use. Select the bottomless penicillin vial, include the above soaking solution SML, keep its original lead seal, only expose the small rubber cap for puncture and aspiration, apply a little Vaseline on the edge of the bottom of the vial to make close contact with the skin. The bottomless edge of the vial should be close to the required treatment points, such as buccal, Xiaguan, Hegu, etc., and then extract the air from the bottle mouth with injection needle to form negative pressure It is adsorbed on the skin to make the liquid in full contact with the skin, leave it in the jar for 20 minutes, and then inject a little air into the vial to remove the vial. Once a day, 5 times for a course of treatment.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Shanghai Journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 34 cases were treated with this method, 25 cases were cured, 6 cases were improved and 3 cases were ineffective. The total effective rate was 91%.
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