[ formula ] 1 frog (also known as Tianji), 15g Baibu, 100g brown sugar and 100ml liquor.
[ preparation method ] the frog is washed and then cut into an abdominal cavity to remove the internal organs, and then cooked with Baibu, brown sugar and white wine.
[ efficacy ] clearing heat and detoxification, tonifying deficiency and treating tuberculosis.
[ indications ] bone tuberculosis.
[ usage ] oral: take the medicine once a time while warm, once a day, if possible, it can be taken until the patient is cured.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the selected materials of new Chinese herbal medicine therapy, which is used repeatedly and has good effect. This prescription has a good effect on chronic attack of tuberculosis. Sometimes, it is especially effective for cases with long-term application of antituberculosis drugs. It can be used in combination with frogs and brown sugar, together with liquor soaking, and liquor drug potential.
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