[ formula ] each 10g of Aconitum carmichaeli, Radix cinnamomi, chrysanthemum and licorice, 90g rock sugar and 500ml liquor. Lumbar spine spur plus Eucommia 10 g, heel spur plus Achyranthes 10 G.
[ preparation method ] put the medicine and liquor into the container together and soak them in a sealed way (7 days in summer and 10 days in winter) and then take them after 7-10 days.
[ efficacy ] can warm meridian and relieve pain.
[ indications ] spur (hyperosteogeny) and pain.
[ usage ] oral: take 15ml before going to bed every night, and do not exceed 25ml at most.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of accumulation behind the elbow. Erwu in this medicinal wine is toxic, so it should be used strictly.
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