[ formula ] each 1500 grams of safflower, Sichuan pepper, raw Aconitum kusnezoffii, raw Chuanwu, angelica tail, acanthopanax senticosus bark, fresh ginger, tender Cinnamon Twig, natural copper, Atractylodes lancea each 2000 g, nux vomica, asarum asarum, raw ephedra each 1000 g, roasted snake, Scorpion each 500 g, 75% ethanol.
[ preparation method ] put the first 15 flavors into a container, add 75% ethanol, seal, soak for two weeks, filter the juice (medicine: Wine = 1:5), and set aside.
[ efficacy ] can activate blood circulation, soften hardness, dispel cold and relieve pain.
[ indications ] old soft tissue injury, patella malacia, bone hyperplasia. External use: wet and hot compress the affected part for 20 minutes, then soak the gauze with osmotic solution, cover it with plastic cloth, wrap it with cotton pad, and take it off after cooling. Apply once or twice a day. < strong
from the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing. Pregnant women and patients with skin allergic diseases should use it with caution.
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