[ formula ] 25 g Dipsacus, Rhizoma Drynariae, Caulis Spatholobi, Clematis chinensis each 20g, Sichuan Achyranthes bidentata, deer horn cream, Eupatorium Eupatorium leaf each 15 g, Angelica sinensis, Pueraria lobata each 10 g, liquor 1000 ml.
[ preparation method ] the medicine was prepared into coarse powder, packed with gauze bag, pricked and soaked in liquor. After 14 days, take out the medicine bag, squeeze the liquid, mix the extract liquid with the medicinal wine, stand still, filter and get it, then put it into bottle for standby.
[ efficacy ] tonifying liver and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, relaxing tendons and activating blood circulation.
[ indications ] cervical spondylosis.
[ usage ] oral: take 20ml each time, twice a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of medicinal wine. Repeated use is effective, long-term service is good.
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