[ formula ] raw Radix Aconiti, Radix Aconiti kusnezoffii, Tougucao, Shenjincao, qiaiye, Kaempferia, 10g saffron, peach kernel, borneol (or camphor), asarum, Cinnamomum cassia twig, 40 g frankincense, 2500 ml 95% ethanol.
[ preparation method ] grind the first 12 flavors into coarse powder, mix them evenly, put them into a container, add 95% ethanol, seal, shake frequently, soak for 15-30 days, filter and remove the residue, and store in the bottle for standby.
[ efficacy ] dispelling wind and dampness, promoting blood circulation to disperse stasis, detumescence and pain relief.
[ indications ] delayed union of fractures, hyperosteogeny of ankle and calcaneus, sequelae of joint injury, fasciitis and joint swelling and pain.
[ usage ] external use: take 20 ml tincture of medicine, add boiling water to make 2000 ml of liquid medicine, wash the affected part while it is hot, or soak the affected part with towel, once a day in the morning and in the evening. Or rub the affected area several times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from "fumigation, washing, ironing and rubbing therapy of traditional Chinese medicine for all diseases".
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