[ formula ] 1-2 Agkistrodon halys, 30g Viola, 1000ml 70% ethanol (or 60 degree liquor).
[ preparation method ] put the live Agkistrodon halys in a bottle, add 70% ethanol (or liquor), and then add Viola, seal and place in a cool place. It can be used after about 3 months. The longer the storage time, the better. The liquid medicine can be added at any time after use, but the dosage should not exceed 1000 ml, so as not to affect the curative effect.
[ efficacy ] antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.
[ indications ] suppurative infection of soft tissue. For external use: dip the absorbent cotton into the affected part, and then cover the cotton with plastic cloth. The fingers (toes) can be covered with waste rubber gloves. It can be changed several times a day to keep the cotton wet.
[ postscript ] is quoted from new medicine.
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