[ formula ] 500g naoyanghua, Acanthopanax giraldii bark, raw Chuanwu, shengnanxing, safflower, asarum asarum, camphor, 1000ml chili tincture, 27000ml 50% ethanol.
[ preparation method ] mash the first seven flavors into coarse powder, put them into a container, add 50% ethanol and hot pepper tincture, seal, soak for two weeks, filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] dispel wind, disperse cold, activate blood circulation and relieve pain.
[ indications ] soft tissue injury.
[ usage ] external use: rub the wound with absorbent cotton or cloth dipped in medicinal wine until the skin is hot. Apply it once or twice a day. < strong
from the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing. Avoid taking orally. It is forbidden to use if there is skin damage.
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