[ formula ] ginseng, angelica tail, Sparganium, each 70g, safflower, camphor each 12g, raw Chuanwu, raw Aconitum kusnezoffii, acanthopanax senticosus bark, papaya, Achyranthes bidentata, 20g hexaaxis, 6000 ml 70% ethanol.
[ preparation method ] mash the first eleven flavors into coarse powder, put them into a container, add 70% ethanol, seal, soak for 7 days, and then take them.
[ efficacy ] dispel wind and dampness, activate blood circulation and remove stasis, regulate qi and relieve pain.
[ indications ] acute soft tissue injury, acute attack of chronic injury.
[ usage ] external use: dip the cotton ball of disinfectant into the medicinal wine to smear the wound, 2-3 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from "fumigation, washing, ironing and rubbing therapy of traditional Chinese medicine for all diseases".
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