[ formula ] raw Astragalus 240 g, Dendrobium nobile 60 g, Achyranthes bidentata 15 g, coix seed 60 g, cinnamon 16 g, liquor 300 ml.
[ preparation method ] add 500 ml water to 200 ml, then add liquor, fry for several times, and then heat, remove residue and set aside.
[ efficacy ] Yiqi Yangyin, dispersing cold and dredging collaterals.
[ indications ].
[ usage ] oral: 1 dose per day, divided into three times. After the medicine, I lay on the bed.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of medicinal wine. Medicine back cover quilt, let its sweat, must not sit Zhang Feng, until the sweat to the foot Yongquan point, can go to the quilt.
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