[ Formula 1 ]
[ formula ] 500 g seaweed and 1500 ml yellow rice wine.
[ preparation method ] the seaweed is bleached with clear water to remove the salt taste, put it into a container, add yellow rice wine, seal, soak for 7 days, and then take it out.
[ efficacy ] eliminate phlegm and gall.
[ indications ] galls, scrotum, hernia, such as lymph node tuberculosis, goiter, thyroid tumor, testicular tuberculosis, etc.
[ usage ] oral: take 30ml after each meal, three times a day. Dry the seaweed in the sun and mash it to the end. Take 3 grams of each with yellow wine. According to the degree of healing:
[ postscript ] cited the compendium of Materia Medica. < br / > & nbsp;
[ formula 2 ]
[ source ] < br / >
formula ] 500 g seaweed.
[ preparation method ] wash the seaweed, cut it into small pieces, soak it in 1500 ml yellow rice wine, soak it in spring and summer for 2 days, soak in autumn and winter for 5 days, filter and set aside.
[ usage ] orally. 30 ml each time, after meals, 2-3 times a day. When the wine is done, dry the seaweed and mash it to the end, 3 grams each time, mixed with wine, 3 times a day.
[ efficacy ] expectorant nodules, eliminate gall.
[ indications ] gall disease.
[ postscript ] this medicinal liquor is mainly suitable for simple goiter caused by iodine deficiency.
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