[ Formula 1 ]
[ formula ] 10 grams of rhaponticum, Mutong and Fritillaria cirrhosa, 6 grams of licorice, and 250 ml of yellow rice wine.
[ preparation method ] decoct 250 ml yellow rice wine and water to half, filter and remove residue, set aside.
[ efficacy ] Tongluo Sanjie.
[ indications ] the beginning of milk furuncle.
[ usage ] oral: 1 dose every 2 days, half of which is warm after dinner.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the new edition of empirical prescriptions. < br / > & nbsp;
[ formula 2 ]
[ source ].
[ formula ] 10g of rhaponticum, 10g of Mutong, 10g of Fritillaria Cirrhosae, 6G of licorice.
[ preparation method ] the above four herbs are ground into coarse powder. Add water and rice wine for 100ml, fry to half, remove the residue and wait for temperature. Divide into two parts for standby.
[ usage ] orally. One serving a day, warm after dinner.
[ efficacy ] Tongru Sanjie.
[ indications ] at the beginning of mastitis, the symptoms are milk barrier, breast swelling and pain.
[ avoid ] after 2 days of use, if it is not effective, you should not take it again. You should change the treatment prescription to avoid delaying the disease.
[ postscript ] the treatment of mastitis with Pujin wine is focused on clearing away heat and detoxification, while leaky and Tongjiu is focused on dispersing the milk. In compendium of Materia Medica, it is one of the important drugs in the treatment of mastitis; Mutong, bitter and cold in nature, is beneficial to the function of water circulation and drainage of heat and milk; Fritillaria Fritillariae has the function of clearing away heat and dispersing stagnation; liquorice is used for clearing heat and detoxification: the compatibility of all kinds of medicines should be focused on dispersing the milk and dispersing the mass.
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