[strong > Formula 1 ]
[ formula ], 45g aconite, 15g asarum, 60g safflower and Salvia miltiorrhiza, 30g tuyuan, Atractylodes lancea, chuanxiong, 20 jujube, 1500ml liquor.
[ preparation method ] smash the first eight flavors, put them into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for one week, filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] can warm meridians, disperse cold, activate blood circulation and remove stasis.
[ indications ] vasculitis caused by cold, dampness and blood stasis, characterized by limb pain, pale or dark purple, cold, aggravated cold, no ulcer.
[ usage ] oral: take 30ml each time, twice a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the new edition of Zhang Bagua surgery.
[ formula two ]
[ source ] [treatment and health care wine]
[ formula ] 45 grams of cooked aconite, 15 grams of asarum, 60 grams of safflower, 60 grams of Salvia miltiorrhiza, 30 grams of woodlouse worm, 30 grams of salwood, 30 grams of chuanxiong, 20 20 jujube.
[ preparation method ] soak the medicine in 1500 ml liquor for 14 days before drinking.
[ usage ] orally. 30 ml each time, twice a day.
[ efficacy ] warming Yang, dispersing cold, promoting blood circulation and promoting blood circulation. Thromboangiitis obliterans is classified as cold coagulation and blood stasis type according to TCM syndrome differentiation.
[ avoid ] in case of local redness, swelling, ulceration and necrosis, it is forbidden to use this wine if it belongs to heat toxin or dampness heat stagnation.
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