[strong > Formula 1 ]
[ formula ] nux vomica, soft shelled turtle seed, white mustard seed, wulingzhi, pangolin, Chuanwu, Caowu, Nanxing, yazao, 120g raw Stellera, 15g Euphorbia, Cinnamomum cassia, Yujiang, ephedra, 1000ml liquor.
[ preparation method ] smash the first 15 flavors, put them into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for one week, and then take them.
[ efficacy ] detoxification, dispelling cold, dehumidification, and unblocking menstruation.
[ indications ] Yin gangrene caused by cold dampness, phlegm coagulation and Yin toxin, such as vasculitis.
[ usage ] external use: if there is no ulcer of Yin gangrene, mix the medicinal liquor with the medicine and apply it to the affected area; if the Yin gangrene has broken, soak the medicinal liquor into the wound. Change dressing once a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Shanghai Journal of traditional Chinese medicine. It is proved that it is effective. < br / > & nbsp;
[ formula 2 ]
[ source ] Shanghai Journal of traditional Chinese medicine
[ formula ] [Formula 1] nux vomica, soft shelled turtle seed, white mustard seed, wulingzhi, pangolin, Chuanwu, Caowu, Nanxing, yazao, 120g raw Stellera, 15g Euphorbia, kansui, cinnamon, dried ginger and Ephedra Sinica.
[ preparation method ] the prescription 1 was soaked in 1000 ml liquor for 1 month, filtered to remove the residue, and bottled for standby. Finely grind the prescription disulfide yellow, mix it with buckwheat flour and wheat flour evenly, and set aside.
[ usage ] for external use. For the treatment of ulcerative Yin gangrene, the medicinal wine was mixed with prescription powder and applied to the affected area; for the treatment of ulcerative Yin gangrene, the disinfectant gauze strip was soaked in medicinal liquor and then put into the sore mouth. Once a day.
[ efficacy ] detoxification, dispelling cold, removing dampness, clearing phlegm, dredging collaterals.
[ indications ] Yin gangrene caused by cold dampness, phlegm coagulation and Yin toxin.
[ don't ] this product is toxic, be careful to enter. [P >
[ postscript ] Yin gangrene generally refers to sores and swelling between deep muscles, muscles and bones, such as osteomyelitis.
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