[ formula ] 100g gamboge, 40g rhubarb, 30g Coptis, realgar and Chishao, 500ml liquor.
[ preparation method ] grind the first five ingredients into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for 7 days, and then take it.
[ efficacy ] purging fire and detoxification, detumescence and Sanjie.
[ indications ] furuncle and all carbuncle and gangrene Yang syndrome can be used.
[ usage ] external use: when using, soak cotton wool or gauze in medicinal wine, take out and apply it to the affected part (or wipe it first and then apply it). Apply several times a day.
[ postscript ] is effective. If the patient's condition is serious, it is better to cooperate with oral administration of symptomatic decoction. For details of oral prescriptions, please refer to the book "selection of proven prescriptions of famous and old Chinese medicine".
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