[ formula ] rhubarb, Coptis, tangerine peel, licorice each 12 g, liquor (drinking wine) 1000 ml.
[ preparation method ] smash the first four flavors, put them into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for one week, and then take them.
[ efficacy ] clearing away heat and detoxification.
[ indications ] acute lymphangitis (furuncle).
[ usage ] topical use: when using, take a little cotton wool and dip it in & quo; topical Budu tincture; and wipe the prickly sore part along the centrifugal direction from the tip of red silk; at the same time, apply the cotton wool dipped in & amp; topical Badu tincture & amp; on the bedsore, 4 & amp; times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Qianjia Miao Fang. When the tincture of this medicine is used to treat acute lymphangitis, it is more ideal if it is combined with "neishu Huanglian Decoction". Neishu Huanglian Decoction: Gardenia jasminoides, peppermint, Scutellaria baicalensis 9 g, Forsythia suspense, red peony, Bombyx batrytica 12 g, Coptis chinensis, rhubarb (after the lower) each 6 g, angelica, cortex moutan each 10 g, Viola 15 g, licorice 3 g. Water decoction, each B1 dose: clinical experience, internal and external treatment, the curative effect is especially good.
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