[ Formula 1 ]
[ formula ] 1000g chrysanthemum leaves and appropriate amount of fruit wine.
[ preparation method ] wash the medicine, mash the juice, and set aside.
[ efficacy ] clearing fire and detoxification, dredging channels and activating collaterals.
[ indications ] sores and boils, swelling and toxin.
[ usage ] orally; take 30 ml of juice each time, mix it into 30 ml of fruit wine, take it twice a day, and apply the residue to the affected area.
[ postscript ] is quoted from folk prescriptions for all kinds of diseases. Avoid eating hot and spicy food such as onion and garlic.
[ formula 2 ]
[ source ] < sun's Jiyan recipe
[ formula ] 1000g fresh chrysanthemum leaves.
[ preparation method ] wash the fresh chrysanthemum leaves, mash up the juice, pour into the container, and mix with 750 mL liquor for standby.
[ usage ] oral administration: once a day, 10ml each time, slightly warm drink it: external use: apply the residue of medicine to the sores of furuncle.
[ efficacy ] clearing heat and detoxification, dredging channels and activating collaterals.
[ indications ].
[ postscript ] the leaves of Chrysanthemum indicum have broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, and have inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc. Furuncle, because of its small shape, deep roots, such as nails, so called. Most of them occurred in the face and limbs.
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