[ formula ] Cortex Phellodendri, Scutellaria baicalensis, Plantago asiatica, Angelica sinensis, hongniangzi, shanjiaqiu, pianchu, zaojiaoci, chuanhuanglian, longyi, Heshi each 6G, Smilax glabra, baihuashe, Digupi each 30g, Arctium lappa, Mutong, Baizhi, rhubarb, trichosanthin each 9g, black and Baichou 18g, Daphne, rehmanniae, cantharides 2.1g (head, foot), Centipede 2 (head, foot removed), liquor 1000 ml.
[ preparation method ] first, stir fry cantharids and hongniangzi with a little glutinous rice until the rice is yellow. The scale of the snake was removed, and the medicine was mixed into coarse powder. It was immersed in wine, sealed and soaked for 15 days.
[ efficacy ] perspiration, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals.
[ indications ] syphilis (willow disease) is not cured, poison invades the muscles and bones, and the whole body has pain in the joints. In case of weather change, it will cause severe pain and restlessness.
[ usage ] oral: take 30-45 ml each time, once every morning and evening.
[ postscript ] is quoted from folk secret recipe for treating all kinds of diseases. If you use our side to wipe the affected area, rub it several times a day. The effect of internal and external treatment is better.
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