[ formula ] Radix Aucklandiae, 6G red ginseng, 30g raw Astragalus, 45g Caulis Spatholobus, 15g Radix Polygoni Multiflori, 1000ml liquor.
[ preparation method ] the medicine is crushed into coarse powder, packed in gauze bag, and put into a container. After soaking in liquor for 14 days, the medicine bag is taken out and the liquid is squeezed. The liquid is mixed with the medicinal liquor, standing, filtered, and ready for use.
[ efficacy ] tonifying qi and blood, strengthening the body, and increasing white blood cells.
[ indications ] leukopenia in radiotherapy. It can also be used as a health care product for doctors and researchers who are exposed to radioactive substances.
[ usage ] oral: take 20ml each time, twice a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from folk prescriptions for all kinds of diseases.
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