[ formula ] each 120g Guixin, peony bark, red peony root, Achyranthes bidentata, dry lacquer, Tu Gua gen, Mu Meng, 100 g Evodia rutaecarpa, 90 g rhubarb, 60 g Scutellaria baicalensis and dried ginger, 200 Tabanus insects, 70 worms, 70 grubs, 30 grams Asarum, 50 Bombyx batrytica, 3.00g hemp seed and kitchen ink, 180 g dried rehmannia, 150 root of Polygonum cuspidatum and 150 turtle shell G, anluzi 200g, liquor 8000 ml.
[ preparation method ] the first twenty-four flavors were divided into coarse powder, put into a cloth bag, put into a container, add liquor, seal, soak for 7-10 days, filter and remove residue.
[ efficacy ] can activate blood circulation and remove stasis, warm meridians and dry dampness, and dredge meridians to remove stasis.
[ indications ] menstruation is not normal, forming a scrofula.
[ usage ] oral: take 20-40 ml each time, twice a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the important prescription of preparing for emergency. Clinical verification is effective.
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