[ formula ] 150 grams of Astragalus membranaceus, 90 grams of Paeonia lactiflora (stir fried with vinegar) and Cinnamomum cassia, and appropriate amount of bitter wine.
[ preparation method ] grind the first three ingredients into fine powder and set aside.
[ efficacy ] can help Yang, consolidate the surface, and stop sweating.
[ indications ] yellow sweat, swelling, fever, sweating but not thirsty, shaped like Feng Shui, sweat stained clothes, yellow as medicine juice, self sinking pulse, which is obtained from sweating water bath, water into sweat pores, from the outside.
[ usage ] oral: take 15 grams of powder, use 15 ml of bitter wine, fry to 7 points; one side uses 15 ml bitter wine and water, and decoct together. Fry and remove the dregs. Take it gently, twice a day. Take care to take care of the trouble, so also bitter wine.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Puji prescription.
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