[strong > Formula 1 ] Evodia rutaecarpa 50, raw licorice 15 g, liquor 250 ml.
[ preparation method ] cut the first two flavors into pieces, put them into a container, add liquor, seal, boil in water, take out and wait for cold, soak for a night, and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ].
[ indications ].
[ usage ] oral: take 30 ml each time, 3 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from folk prescriptions for all kinds of diseases. One side to licorice. < br / > & nbsp; < br / > & nbsp;
[ formula 2 ] rutaecarpa and alum are 15g each, and appropriate amount of liquor is produced.
[ preparation method ] the first two flavors were grinded into fine powder, mixed into liquor into mud paste, and then made into two medicinal wine cakes for standby.
[ efficacy ] can disperse cold, reduce inflammation and reduce fever.
[ indications ] various types of cold in children.
[ usage ] external use: take medicinal wine cake and apply it to the heart of feet or palms of children, and then bandage and fix it with gauze.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of medicinal wine. All of them were effective. < br / > & nbsp;
[ formula 3 ] Evodia rutaecarpa (soaking in soup for 7 times, baking and micro frying) 5g, liquor 20ml.
[ preparation method ] add the medicine to the wine, fry until 6 minutes, remove the residue, and set aside.
[ efficacy ] warm and moderate to disperse cold, remove stasis and relieve pain.
[ indications ] Postpartum hematocele is very painful. And treatment of postpartum virtual win, night sweats, abdominal pain.
[ usage ] oral: 1 dose daily, 2 times warm.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Puji prescription.
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