[ formula ] 20 grams of rhubarb, 10 grams of fennel and cinnamon, 5 grams of pepper, 25 grams of dried ginger and camphor, 25 ml of mint oil (or 12.5 ml of eucalyptus leaf oil), and an appropriate amount of 70% ethanol.
[ preparation method ] the first five flavors were pounded into coarse powder, mixed evenly, and then percolated with ethanol (70%) as the dissolving medium. The percolation was stopped until the filtrate was about 800 ml. the residue was pressed out and combined with the leachate. Camphor (95% ethanol should be added to the mortar to wet it before grinding) and mint oil were added. Shake or stir the mixture to dissolve it and put it in a cool place overnight In case of precipitation, filter with cotton and add 70% ethanol to 1000 ml. For sub equipment.
[ efficacy ] can remove turbid, clear heat, open the orifices, and relieve pain.
[ indications ] heatstroke induced dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal discomfort and other diseases.
[ usage ] oral: take 2.5-5 ml each time, reduce the dosage for children.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of traditional Chinese medicine preparations. Pregnant women should not take it. This prescription adds glycerin (2:1) mix evenly, smear red, swollen, itchy place, rub several times a day, can prevent chilblain. The test is effective.
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