[ formula ] 128 grams of Sophora flavescens, 15 grams of bee hives, 1 hedgehog skin, 1000-2000 grams of glutinous rice, and appropriate amount of koji.
[ preparation method ] decoct the medicine twice with water, take 1000 ml of juice, and set aside. Soak the glutinous rice, pour it in, steam the rice, cool it, mix it into the medicine juice and distiller's yeast (finely pressed), put it in a container, cover it, keep warm, and make wine as usual. When the wine is ripe, filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] dampness and detoxification, cooling blood and detumescence.
[ indications ] white spots all over the body, scraps fall off, or itch or pain, the color is white gradually, and the appearance is like leprosy.
[ usage ] oral: take 15-30 ml each time, 3 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from general records of Shengji. It has been proved to be effective. "Taiping Shenghui prescription" in the beehive Sophora flavescens wine, that is, to remove the skin of hedgehog, the rest is the same; to treat leprosy (white scabby). Avoid the wind after drinking.
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