[ formula ] rhubarb, Atractylodes macrocephala, Platycodon grandiflorum, Sichuan pepper 15 g, Guixin 18 g, Chuanwu 6 g, Smilax China 12 g, liquor 400 ml.
[ preparation method ] store the first seven flavors in Xiabai bag, hang them at the bottom of the well, take them out 10 days later, put them in liquor, fry for several times, and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] it can strengthen the body and reduce toxin, dispel epidemic diseases and eliminate pathogens.
[ indications ] southern mountain miasma virus invades the human body, and the family has the same disease. Oral administration: take 5-10ml daily in the morning.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Huatuo shenfang. This medicinal wine has a good effect on prevention and treatment. It can be cured when the disease has already occurred, and can be prevented before the disease. It is actually a good prescription for medicinal wine.
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