[ Formula 1 ]
[ formula ] 30 grams of clove, cinnamon and camphor, and 500 ml of Sanhua wine.
[ preparation method ] crush the first three flavors, put them into cloth bags, put them in porcelain jars, add Sanhua wine, seal and soak for 1 month. Store in bottles.
[ efficacy ] return to Yang for emergency.
[ indications ] Yin cold cholera.
[ usage ] oral: take 10-20 drops each time on the surface of the tongue, containing it first and then swallowing it, or taking it with cold boiled water. For those who are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, this medicinal wine can be applied to the affected area.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Journal of traditional Chinese medicine. If the patient is hot, smelly, thirsty, upset, colic in the abdomen and yellow and greasy tongue coating, it belongs to hot cholera, and this wine is not applicable; if there is a serious case of acute diarrhea, it is not allowed to take this medicinal liquor. < br / > & nbsp;
[ formula 2 ]
[ source ] < br / >
[ formula ] 30g clove, 30g cinnamon and 30g camphor.
[ preparation method ] grind the medicine, put it into a gauze bag, prick the mouth, put it in a porcelain jar or glass bottle, soak it in 500ml liquor, seal it for 1 month, and then remove the medicine bag.
[ usage ] orally. Take 10-20 drops (2-4 ml) each time on the surface of the tongue, containing it first and then swallowing. Take it every 6 hours.
[ efficacy ] warming Yang, dispersing cold, saving emergency and relieving pain.
[ indications ] abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysmenorrhea caused by stagnation of Yang Qi and Yin cold stagnation.
[ Yiji ] strictly limit the dosage and do not increase the dose without authorization. Children should not take it. If diarrhea has abdominal distension in the early stage, it is forbidden. If vomiting and diarrhea is not enough, patients with dangerous condition should go to the hospital to take infusion and other comprehensive treatment.
[ postscript ] camphor is pungent, hot in nature, and has small toxicity. Oral dose of 0.1-0.3 g per time is Xuanxuan. 5 ~ 1.0 g, dizziness, headache, excitement, delirium and other adverse reactions. Children eat 0.75 g can appear serious adverse reactions, so for safety, children should not use. Camphor, as an antidiarrheal and analgesic drug, is often combined with other drugs to make compound tincture, such as Compound Camphor Tincture, shidishui, etc. It is mainly used for non bacterial diarrhea and abdominal pain.
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