[ formula ] borneol, toad, dragon's blood, safflower, frankincense, myrrh, Panax notoginseng, 30 g each, and 500 ml high-level liquor.
[ preparation method ] the medicine was broken, placed in a container, sealed with liquor, soaked for 7-15 days, and the supernatant was separated for equipment.
[ efficacy ] detoxification, turbidity, blood circulation and pain relief.
[ indications ] all pain syndromes.
[ usage ] for external use. Each time, cotton swab is dipped in medicinal wine and applied to the pain area 4-5 times a day. If necessary, it can be applied once 3-4 hours.
[ postscript ] is quoted from Jiangsu traditional Chinese medicine. It has been used for many years and has good analgesic effect.
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