[ Formula 1 ]
[ formula ] 100g of dragon's blood, 100g of safflower, 50g of camphor, 200g of galangal, 250g of Piper longum, 100g of asarum, 100g of Sinapis alba, 50g of borneol, 100g of raw rehmannia, 50g of raw frankincense, 50g of myrrh, 150g of centipede, and 5000ML of liquor above 50 ℃.
[ preparation method ] mix the medicine evenly, put it into a container, add liquor to seal, soak for 10 days, and then start to use.
[ efficacy ] dispel wind and cold, remove stasis and dredge collaterals.
[ indications ] caudate pain.
[ usage ] for external use. Take the gauze block with the same size as the tenderness area, soak it with purple gold wine, apply it to the tailbone, and cover the gauze block with clothes. Infrared light was used to irradiate the gauze block once a day for 30 minutes each time. 10 times is a course of treatment.
[ postscript ] is quoted from bone setting of traditional Chinese medicine. Li Tongsheng experience prescription. Repeated use is effective. < br / > & nbsp;
[ formula 2 ]
[ source ]
[ formula ] cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, guangmuxiang, Rhododendron, notopterygium Notopterygii, chuanxiong, yanhusuo, Bauhinia bark, acanthopanax senticosus bark, peony bark, turmeric and black medicine are 30 g each.
[ preparation method ] the coarse powder was prepared, put into the gauze bag, pricked, placed in the porcelain jar or glass bottle, soaked in 1000 ml of liquor, sealed for 7 days, opened, the medicine bag was pressed to extract liquid, mixed with liquor, and filtered.
[ usage ] orally. 10-20 ml each time, twice a day.
[ efficacy ] can activate blood circulation, relieve pain, and relieve tendons and collaterals.
[ indications ] all kinds of wind, injuries, cold dampness hernia, blood stagnation and Qi coagulation.
[ should not be used with caution by pregnant women. Do not drink too much each time. [ postscript ] Rhododendron, namely the root of Rhododendron, is the root of Rhododendron family. It has the functions of expelling wind and dehumidification, detumescence and pain relief. It is commonly used for injuries caused by injuries, stasis, swelling and pain, or wind cold dampness arthralgia and limb pain. However, this product is toxic and should not be overdosed.
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