[ formula ] Salvia miltiorrhiza, Albizzia julibrissin, Schisandra chinensis, 50% ethanol.
[ preparation method ] grind the first three flavors into coarse powder, put them into a container, add 50% ethanol to immerse the drug, stir and cover tightly, soak for 14 days, and then filter. The dregs were immersed in 30% ethanol for 7 days and filtered. Combine the filtrate for two times, let stand for 24 hours, filter, add distilled water twice, mix well, and pack separately.
[ efficacy ] nourishing blood and calming nerves.
[ indications ] neurasthenia.
[ usage ] oral: take 5-10 ml each time, 2-3 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the selection and compilation of Chinese herbal medicine preparations in Beijing (internal information). In clinical practice, good results were obtained.
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