[ formula ] 250g soybean, 126G yunfuling and silkworm excrement, 1500ml yellow rice wine.
[ preparation method ] first, mash the last two flavors, put them into a container, add rice wine; then stir fry soybeans, make the sound break, put them into the wine, seal, soak for 7 days, then filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] can relieve pain.
[ indications ] headache and fever, creatine, body weight, itching, strong back, and rheumatism in women after childbirth.
[ usage ] oral: take 1-2 small cups (10-20 ml) at a time, and slight sweating is preferred. Take it 50 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from "Chinese medicine and wine therapy for all diseases". It is proved to be clinically effective.
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