[ formula ] Guizhi, pangolin (DAI), earthworm, zaojiaoci each 10g, Poria cocos 20g, red peony, peach kernel, turtle shell each 15g, peony skin 8g, low alcohol liquor (or yellow rice wine) 300ml.
[ preparation method ] decoct the medicine twice with water, filter the juice to remove the residue, combine the filtrate, heat and concentrate, take 200 ml of concentrated juice, mix with wine and put into the bottle for standby.
[ efficacy ] can promote blood circulation and remove stasis, soften the firm and disperse the knot, and transform Qi and water.
[ indications ] the prostate is swollen and hard, and is not easy to dissipate.
[ usage ] oral: take 50-100 ml each time, 3 times a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from "treating all diseases with single prescription".
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