[ formula ] 1 pair of gecko, 1 set of dog whip, 4 grams of agar incense, 30 grams of Morinda officinalis, Cistanche deserticola, wolfberry fruit, 120 grams of Cornus officinalis, 2500 ml of liquor and 100 g of honey.
[ preparation method ] first, turn the gecko, turn its head and feet, and crunch it; secondly, fry the dog whip and crunch it. The remaining 5 flavors are ground into coarse powder, and then put into the cloth bag with gecko and dog whip, put into the container, add liquor, seal, shake several times a day, soak for 21 days, filter to remove residue, add honey and mix well.
[ efficacy ] tonifying kidney and strengthening yang.
[ indications ] soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, hypothermia of limbs, chilly abdomen, weakness of walking, premature ejaculation, impotence, mental fatigue, and complexion.
[ usage ] oral: take 10-15ml each time, twice a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of medicinal wine. The results showed that it was effective in clinic.
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