[ formula ] 6 grams of bupleurum, 10 grams of Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Caulis Spatholobi, kuncao, Zelan, Sumu, liujinu, huainiuxi, shengpuhuang, Ligustrum lucidum, raspberry, Cuscuta chinensis, Lycium barbarum, and 1000 ml yellow rice wine.
[ preparation method ] smash the first 14 flavors, put them into cloth bags, put them in containers, add yellow rice wine, seal them, shake them frequently, soak them for 14 days, then filter and remove the residue.
[ efficacy ] tonifying liver and kidney, promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, and promoting ovulation.
[ indications ] liver and kidney dystrophy, qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by ovarian insufficiency, infertility and other diseases.
[ usage ] oral: take 30ml each time, twice a day.
[ postscript ] is quoted from the collection of medicinal wine. In clinical practice, it is effective to insist on taking it. Those who have ulcer bleeding in gastrointestinal tract should not take it.
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