[ formula ] scorpion, ginseng, purple mulberry, Uncaria each 20g, Caulis Spatholobus, papaya, acanthopanax bark each 15g, refined white grain wine 500ml.
[ preparation method ] cut the first seven flavors into pieces, put them into a container, add white grain wine, seal, soak for 15-30 days, filter and remove residue, and store in bottles.
[ efficacy ] dispel wind and activate collaterals, replenish qi and relax tendons, remove arthralgia, and benefit joints.
[ indications ] hypotension, arthralgia, numbness and paralysis, hemiplegia.
[ usage ] oral: take 10-15ml each time, once a day at noon and at night.
[ postscript ] is quoted from "famous persons of contemporary Chinese medicine". In clinical practice, it is necessary to adhere to the treatment of the above-mentioned diseases.
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